Saturday, 28 December 2013

Topix, can you believe the shit they post there?

As being on holiday to the 6th January, I have some spare time on my hands, so I have been drinking, gaming and the usual goings on...

in addition to that i have also been browsing the web, and I came across this topix site

Have any of my readers ever been here?  It’s fucking shocking some of the subjects.  I was disgusted; there are some sick folk out there.

Really, does this happen, nooooo

Aberdeen Craigslist is tame to this site, we get the odd pish on me request, nothing like some of the sick shit on the Topix site

Anyway I thought I would share as someone may find something interesting on the Topix site

PS, hope you all are having a good xmas and new year :)

Friday, 13 December 2013

So you want your bird to cum?

So guys, if you’re like me then you will get a buzz when the bird your fucking cums, nothing better than feeling her fanny pulsate round your stiff cock as you rub that clit.

So you are gagging to fuck your bird (or whoever’s bird this is you're about to fuck) and you really want to make her cum. But you don't know how!!!   Well-read below to find out the secrets… 

So you bang away at her for ages, and nothing!! You're starting to worry that she may actually be dead and not just asleep. But stop, don't worry, this is not necrophilism, you're just doing it all wrong. 

Now, most women need more than just intercourse to orgasm, so just sticking your cock in and out isn't good enough.  This is where the clitoris comes in.

What is the clitoris you may ask?

The clitoris is a part of the female genitalia consisting of a small elongated highly sensitive erectile organ at the front of the vulva.

Or to you and I,

The little bean up the top of the slit.

Now Guys, this little organ is vital. If you can touch it properly, you're guaranteed a blow job and she might even let you stick it up her arse.

Nice one!!! But what do i have to do to it??

You need to play with it my friend. Until she orgasms.

What IS an orgasm you may ask?

Orgasm, also called climax, is a physiological state of heightened sexual excitement and gratification that is followed by relaxation of sexual tensions and the body's muscles. It is marked by a feeling of sudden and intense pleasure.

Or in words you may understand better;

It's a fucking mint feeling in her fanny and the only reason you are in bed with her in the first place.

Now you know what everything is, you just need to know what TO do, and what NOT to do.

DON'T force as many fingers as you can fit up her all in one go.

DO make sure she is wet before you try to put anything up her.

Dry fanny + Objects being stuffed up it = Severe pain for her & a black eye for you.

DON'T Rub her clit as hard as you can.

DO Learn to distinguish moans of agony from moans of pleasure, if the moans are ones of pain, stop what you're doing until the moans are "OH YES" moans, if the moans are pleasurable, keep doing what you're doing my son!!!

SO many men think that rubbing really hard on a girl’s clit will make her cum and that the more she moans the more she loves it. The moans that follow this kind of treatment are usually ones of pain.  You're trying to make her cum, not swipe her flaps off!! Follow her moans, if she wants it harder, do it gradually, and make sure she's nice and wet.

DON'T literally try to eat her. Biting/sucking/nibbling and hard forceful licks can be painful.

DO lick her clit gently, licking right down to her fuck hole and back up again. Using a finger or two to poke her/rubbing her thighs while you're licking is always a winner.

Burying your head in her crotch and being too rough really can be painful. Again, listen to her, if she sounds pained, tone it down a little. She should be making a bit of a scene now, if she's pushing you away, practically having a fit you know you have done good job. Unless you know this girl is epileptic, then that could be a whole other situation and you should probably call an ambulance.

So now you know how to find it and how to play with it - ENJOY..

This post has been inspired by a lady reader who helped me a lot with this post.  Thanks H x

In her own words (if any of the idiots I have slept with are reading your blog, hopefully they won’t be as useless next time the fuck a lassie) Boom....

as allways comments welcome ....

Would you, Suck Your own Dick?

So the question is, if you could suck your own dick, would you? And would you swallow?

I was pissing about with a Girlfriend a little while back, can’t remember why or how, but ended up telling her to suck my dick; she replied with suck your own dick.

So we then got into the conversation, if you could suck your own dick would you?

Well my answer to her was yes I probably would, well I do masturbate, and sucking it would take it to the next level, but I don’t think I would personally take the cum in my mouth YUK.  (Too far, making me boak now)

She seemed a little taken back that I would consider sucking my own dick if I could, I could also see a slight look of disgust on her face, I thought this rather funny.  I also said to her if we guys could suck were own dicks then you girls be redundant, FACT

So what are your guy’s thoughts on this?

Would you suck your own dick if you could? And would you swallow?

I believe there was an urban legend going about saying the Alice Cooper got some of his ribs removed so he could suck his own dick, I don’t understand why he would of done that, surly being famous he would have had loads of ladies lining up to suck his dick.  How far would you go? Would you consider removing a few ribs, so you could get down and suck your own dick?

As this is a hypothetical situation for most it be interesting to hear what you have to say about it J

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Where’s the Mistletoe

So xmas is nearly upon us.  Will there be an influx of sexy little Santa helpers this year or will we just be left with the usual posters.

I have not had much luck of late; seem to be getting lots of chats, email ping pong but no meets.  So someone must be meeting the ladies, there have been a few genuine posters, so who is meeting, and are they turning up?

I do seem to get lots of emails from guys that are not meeting, but very rarely from guys or girls who do achieve regular meet ups.  So be interesting to hear from someone else, anyone wish to share there views?

I still have been meeting up with my regular FB(so i am still getting some), I never found her on CL., it was another named site, be naughty if I remember right. Being she is only 21 and I am nearly twice her age, I wonder how long it will continue.  She always comes back for more, and she puts a big smile on my face, i do feel at times is can be a bit mechanical, so any ideas on how to make it more fun for me and my FB would be gratefully received

Brings me onto topics for blog

What sort of subjects would you guys and girls like for me to discuss?

Anything considered.

I am open to anything, thinking of changing the structure of the blog, less so on what my exploits were as I got a hard time for that, and don’t want to revisit that again anytime soon.

Please any ideas welcome.

Just a short post today, please feel free to comment as usual.


Wednesday, 27 November 2013

the scammers are hard at it

It’s been a while since i have posted, I kind of lost interest after getting hassled from certain individuals. pointless threats, I have not heard from them in a while so hopefully they have left the area, then there was the girl that was trying to blackmail my mate, and then she threated me lol, maybe one day I will tell the story.


I felt as though I had to post this one lol

I tried a site called ok hook-up, never paid for membership I just joined and had a nosey, within two days, 20 or so emails, lots of nice sexy woman add me to the favourites and lots of winks etc. so too good to be true you would say, yes of course it is, I am not stupid, its people being paid to do this I believe...  maybe someone can comment on this if they have further information.

But one profile kept coming back, she looked good, and profile seamed kind of legit, she had also posted on her profile away to contact her without paying, bonus, so I sent her an email …..

Two days later I get a skype request I accept her, we start chatting seams normal enough, says she is a nurse in training, looking to have a bit of fun. Etc..

So we chat about all the normal stuff as you do, you then

So this is how the conversation goes(an extract), haha I should of known from the start, so do any of you guys actually fall for this shit?

I said to her  I have an account with the site she was trying to get me set up for, but I didn’t, because at that point I knew she was fake…..

More fakes, scammers everywhere looks like I will have to go back to the old fashioned way of meeting people in pubs for one night stands lol

If you guys want to contact her

[13:35:34] olivia dawn: are you up to meet? can you drive?
[13:35:42] Bad Boy: yes i drive
[13:35:52] Bad Boy: and definitely up to a meet
[13:36:25] Bad Boy: what you have in mind?
[13:36:34] olivia dawn: im free tonight
[13:37:00] Bad Boy: what time?
[13:37:28] Bad Boy: where should i pick you up from?
[13:37:42] olivia dawn: well we can do talk bout that on a videocall you dont need to pick me up i can drive
[13:37:46] olivia dawn: anyway can i asked something
[13:37:50] Bad Boy: yes
[13:38:49] olivia dawn: can you help me on my modelling thing can you rate my page on my private link? dont worry its free if i gather more ratings i can be part of Victoria secret underwear modelling for this coming December , after that we can do a videocall and talk more and maybe exchnaged numbers so we can do set a meet up
[13:39:17] Bad Boy: i will have a look yes
(at this point I knew she was fake, really vote for her on a sex site lol)
[13:42:15] olivia dawn: okay heres the link you will do see that it is authenticated for 100% secured and has a RED FINE PRINT on the top saying its free just clicked that fill up the info needed and do logged in to rate
[13:43:01] Bad Boy: i already have an account there
[13:44:10] olivia dawn: can you try to sign up using new email
[13:44:12] olivia dawn: please
[13:47:55] Bad Boy: what’s your username on the site?
[13:48:55] olivia dawn: im at Bakersyou wont find me if you just use your old account coz your email is access for other girls link thats why i told you to use other email
[13:49:03] olivia dawn: im in Baker St anyway
[13:49:42] Bad Boy: where about is that lol
[13:49:46] Bad Boy: what area?
[13:50:03] Bad Boy: i only have a work email and can’t use that
[13:50:14] Bad Boy: why can i not rate you with my other account?
[13:50:27] Bad Boy: i take it you do this to generate income?
[13:51:54] olivia dawn: use my old email
[13:52:13] olivia dawn: coz your email is access for link of other link
[13:52:22] olivia dawn: the rule is one link one girl only
[13:52:31] olivia dawn: you cant rate my page using an old access
[13:52:49] Bad Boy: U you get money from my cc verification
[13:53:35] olivia dawn: you know what ? i dont need a judgemental person but saying i need money on your card then why i didnt just asked you a money ast first thing we have chatted
[13:53:52] olivia dawn: im just askin for a ratings i joined the site to meet someone its just im askin for a lil favor and as you see it is free
[13:53:59] olivia dawn: if i need money i would just asked that in you
[13:54:04] Bad Boy: but to rate you i have to use my cc
[13:54:26] Bad Boy: and then they make it near impossible for you to cancel
[13:54:40] olivia dawn: yeah the card is just to avoid duplication of ratings and for some verification as you see it is free of charged
[13:54:50] Bad Boy: ive been here so many times with so many other girls, i know the score
[13:54:53] olivia dawn: ill guide you later when we meet how to cancel it
[13:55:19] Bad Boy: why dont i just meet you later and then we can do it then and cancel it then
[13:57:12] olivia dawn: see you dont trust me, how can i put a trust on someone whom i know cant have put a lil trust on me
[13:57:18] olivia dawn: it up to you if you dont want then its fine
[13:57:26] olivia dawn: ill just find someone else who is interested
[13:57:32] Bad Boy: well maybe you should trust me
[13:57:38] Bad Boy: i will do it when we meet
[13:57:44] olivia dawn: as i said im lookin for a trusworthy kind of guy that i can meet personally
[13:57:44] Bad Boy: works both ways
[13:57:59] olivia dawn: i dont need someone who just judge what i say
[13:58:01] olivia dawn: up to you
[13:58:03] olivia dawn: goodluck
[13:59:11] Bad Boy: hahaha
[13:59:26] Bad Boy: yes, fake, new it
[13:59:56] olivia dawn: were ina  free country you can think what you want to think
[14:00:07] olivia dawn: anyway if you will excuse me can i delete you from my contact
[14:00:08] Bad Boy: i just did
[14:00:17] olivia dawn: i thought you were legit sorry but i dont keep dumb people
[14:00:18] Bad Boy: please do
[14:00:22] olivia dawn: okay
[14:00:51] Bad Boy: you mean i am not dumb enough to sign up to your fake shit, and then a meet never happens
[14:01:00] olivia dawn: if you chnged your mind you can find me on facebook or my email
[14:01:01] Bad Boy: you think you arew then only girl doing this
[14:01:01] olivia dawn: goodluck
[14:01:03] Bad Boy: really
[14:01:04] olivia dawn: and see yah
[14:01:24] olivia dawn: yeah then if im not the only girl doin this hope you casn find someonwe who wont asked for it
[14:01:39] olivia dawn: you got where to contact me
[14:01:41] olivia dawn: see yah
[14:01:45] olivia dawn: anyway i just deleted you
[14:01:49] Bad Boy: ok
[14:01:59] olivia dawn: i just give you my contact so if ever you changed your mind
[14:02:13] Bad Boy: told you i will meet you and sign up then
[14:02:57] olivia dawn: i wonty meet you till you do the favor its free so its not a 
hassle and you can use even old card or empty card coz it is free
[14:03:04] Bad Boy: you’re in America anyway
[14:03:18] Bad Boy: so a meet was never going to happen
[14:03:18] Bad Boy: lol

So how many of you guys have had this similar conversation?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

young slut needs ******

So who replied to this add?

i sent a reply and got into a bit of a chit chat, not sure if she was genuine, or another guy posing as a lass, but they did reply.

So first thing that threw me was the name came through as Ian h, so i asked and she said she was polish, and her name was ianna so fair enough.

Then she said she was 17, far too young for me, but anyway i proceeded with the chat, she sent me a nice pic of a sexy young lady, hmmm, so i probed further.

she was looking to meet at miller street between 11pm and 3am, so i asked are you a hooker?

she said she would take cash if offered but happy to do for free.

again i probed further and she said, she would fuck and suck for £30, reasonable amount.

unfortunately i was busy at the time so wasn't planning heading along, and she was too Young for me....

so i was wondering if any of you guys out there actually met her?

or is this another guy posing as a lass?

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Was you lucky over the holidays

So was anyone lucky over the holidays?

I managed to get sucked off for a small sum of money.  wasn’t the best bj ive had but put a smile on my face for xmas.  Found her on craigslist, quite surprised i got her actually as i replied to her add hours after she posted it, she did say she had been let down by a couple of guys......

I don’t understand why people do that, agree to meet then not turn up. i suppose in the world of nsa it happens allot, people get cold feet for whatever reason.

So the glory hole, I never got as much of a response as I thought I would off got so maybe it’s a non starter.  There are a few folk interested but not enough at this point.

If that changes though I be very keen to get it set up.

Any topics for discussion this year then?
Please feel free, looking for any ideas, happy to speak about any subject.....