Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Sweet 19 and seeking fun.

So who from all of you guys has email this one particular add?  she calls herself Kayla, probally some other person pic i would guess.
 Anyway i mailed her a few weeks back and she said she was selling some pics and would also fuck for money, so I am not adverse to paying for sex off CL as I have to say I have had a good few memorial experiences from doing this over the years, some of the best bj and fucks i have ever had actually.
So we start chatting, she quickly hits me with a reasonable price for a bj and a fuck, so I ask how do we proceed, simple she says, i accept PayPal or take Amazon vouchers, and it was all going so well up to that point, does she think i am stupid, so I reply sorry, cash only, i then get a reply saying this is the way she does things. She needs a deposit as a minimum
So for me, i would never hand out cash especially online before a meet, chances are they are just scamming you.
So has anyone actually given her money? Has anyone met her, or is she simply another FAKE?


  1. Yeah, he's a fake (Guessing its just some dude with her pictures)....PS; You can get her pictures here haha.

  2. how did you come across the pics then? is there something in the pics that tell you where there from? please share i be very interested to know how you found her :)

  3. google image search. right click on the image thumbnail and select "Copy shortcut" (or Copy image location if you are using firefox). Then go to google, click no the Images search and then on the little picture of a camera at teh end of the search box. Paste in the address of the image you from the CL ad and press return. If this picture has been lifted from somewhere else, you'll see it.

    Check this out for instance;

    more info on how to search by images at;


  4. Thanks for the tip, you learn something new every day, i will surly put that into practise more often :)

  5. I might have a bit more sympathy for you compaining about the fakes if you weren't spamming the site yourself. "Accidentally" posting under w4m. Bollocks, you have been on there long enough that you knew exactly what you were doing. Trying to get more people to read your ad by pretending you were a girl. And then running back here to complain about the other fakes.


  6. Well said, maybe it was a done on purpose, but I am not offering and sexual satisfaction, neither am i pretending to be someone I am not.

    I am only highlighting and making an area where people can voice there opinions if they want...

    Thanks for your participation

  7. Well said DT.

  8. Seems a bit unfair since he posted the ad on craiglists days after he posted the ad of fakes on this site??? Correct me if I am wrong.

    Like all other sites you always get a pair of whiny little fuckers.

    Need i say any more.

    Keep up the blog and don’t be put off, it’s fun to read.


  9. I emailed kayla and she said she takes cash.

  10. She told me cash too, then to secure her services she wanted a deposit paid in amazon vouchers, She fake, well her pics definetly are....

  11. If you think she (he) is genuine send him the deposit then see if you get a meet. You can tell us all how it

  12. Think she is genuine. she emailed me her phone number to confirm she is real,

    This is her email

    lol how do i know u are who u claim u are, anyway only call now to confirm as am busy at d moment


  13. she emailed me the same number too, if you meet her in person let me know, but i still think she is fake.

    Very easy to pass out a number, lol, she be sitting in a flat in london, saying she will meet you if you pay her deposit, and no doubt you can call her, doesnt mean she will show up.

    the pics were fake, so i guess the rest will be fake, but if you do meet her, then do tell :)
