Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Have A NSA Meet tonight

Well I am supposed to be having a meet tonight, if she actually turns up could be quite fun.
I have my doubts on this one, she is pretty new to the adult site I was on, and was only first time chatting to her, even though we chatted for 3hrs
So she wants me to give her a good spanking and then a good seeing from behind , was what she specified I do. Who am I to say no, would you?
She also said once I had done that I could ask her to do anything, hmmmm ANYTHING I said, well no not anything she said, I laughed, lol…..
I did say to her when chatting I bet you chicken out, no she said, so I am hopefully.
Well tonight will tell, been trying to get hold of her since we chatted on site, but no answer, so not always a good sign.
If the meet goes well there will be another story to tell.
And boy, do I need a xmas shag…. If any woman readers out there fancy being kind hearted and giving me a xmas fuck, then please do email me at Aberdeen_badboy@hotmail.com
Come on its Christmas……


  1. good luck .. you'll need it 5 years trying for NSA in Aberdeen and never found it .. can't even get skint and experienced to help me out .. hope it works out for you

  2. You have my best wishes too.

    My worst moment was when after I got divorced. I contacted a visiting American woman who wanted all sorts of kinky fun - great stuff, we got on and chatted daily before she was due to meet me. Then I got another, local "woman" who also wanted to meet up with me at the same time, so I put the two of them in the loop. All seemed well, but after we arranged to meet at the Carmelite hotel. Here is yours truley, slowly getting drunk with the reality that neither would turn up. Needless to say, both email addresses didn't work. All I can assume is that one of them (local woman) was a guy and somehow it put off the visitor.

    My lesson from this is NEVER to share contact info no matter how good it sounds.

    Anyone else had such a similar experience?

  3. This boys a legend, the force is truly strong haha.

    Had one meet of AFF myself, but not enough

  4. @Anonymous

    Well as expected, there was no meet last night, but she did email to say that she couldnt make it, and then i got another email last night later on saying she was still keen just sometyhing came up.

    so maybe something will come of it after all.

    Cheers for the comments guys, keep them coming
