Monday, 5 December 2011

The peterhead lass

This one goes back many moons, probably within my first year of actively looking for NSA partners
I can’t remember if I posted an add on gumtree or she posted an add, but anyway I was speaking to a peterhead  lass on msn after initially emailing her on  gumtree, we were chatting for a few nights running, she seemed genuine enough, pic was ok, and she was keen to meet.
So I had a Thursday afternoon of work for some reason at the time, so I arranged for her to come through then, it was also convenient to her.
Going by her picture(s), and what she told me, she was 22, blonde hair, a little bit plump, she wasn’t stunning, but certainly not an ugly fish…
So she was coming through to Aberdeen, I had arranged that I would pick her up from train station, so I told her what car I had at the time, she had been given a pic of me, so knew what to look for.
So the time arrived and her she appear, a lot plumper than the pic, and certainly a few years older, but she did have blonde hair, not she was a bit tinky dressed, but hey ho, can’t have it all..
So she got into my car, we introduced ourselves, fuck sake I couldn’t understand a word she was saying, now I have lived in Aberdeen all my live so I am quite broad, but her. Never heard the like before from peterhead.
Anyway, back to mine we go, we arrive,. She takes a seat on the couch, I sit beside her, we try and chat, but the language barrier is horrendous, I suggest we go through to the bedroom, she follows behind , I take of my jeans and lay on the bed, she lays down beside me, we start by having a kiss, I start having a feel around, she has on about 20 layers of clothes, its making it very difficult, so I ask her to take of some of the tops….
And that’s when It hit me, the stench, I about gagged on the smell of B O, it was ever so disgusting, man what was I to do, I mean she was rife, never smelled B O this bad in my life.
I said what about a bj, no problem, off she went, she sucking and im gagging on the smell, thinking to myself wtf am I to do, no fucking way am I shagging this fat stinky pig…yuk
So I make up and excuse and say to her oh, that’s my phone (while she still sucking my cock), be back in a minute or so,  I get up and go through the house, what do I do I was thinking, so I then decided to fake a call, just loud enough and pretend it was my work, issue in work, so I had to go straight in.
So I ask her to get dressed, I drop her off in town, not much said funny enough….
go home, strip the bed and put in wash, and go have a shower, I did feel bad for what I did to her(like for a second, I am a bastard, lol), but I couldn’t stand one second longer, it cost nothing to wash, even use deodorant.  I sent her a message saying what I did, and why I did it.
Funny enough I never heard from her again…
A few years back I met another peterhead lass,  she was great the first time, but second time, she had a bit of an odour when I was shagging her, wasn’t there when first started to fuck, but after a few pumps there was a hell of a smell wafting, lol, but that’s another story, lol


  1. That's probably an infection called BV. It's a bit like thrush. Men don't get it either. Poor lassie was probably horrified!

    Key symptom being: a smell that's worse after sex.

  2. Thanks for your comment i will have to look out for that smell :)
