Monday, 24 February 2014

Young skint girl want generous older

so i see this add Young skint girl want generous older, so off course me being older i had to respond and see what the deal was.

So what can I say about this add, seems a little fishy to me, I replied to her to see what she was saying, just legal in no more, asking if she should keep her uniform on.

Would the police actually set this up? It’s not entrapment as you are already looking in the nsa section.  If anyone knows different then please let me know the details.

I still don’t know, i have this nagging feeling about this one.

I am sure there was a very similar add to this last year, when I replied I got a very similar response, I asked her for a pic, but not very fourth coming, said she I blond, and pick up in kincorth.

Not for me though, i will pass, too dodgy.  But if anyone else has met her I am interested in knowing if she is real?

so please feedback to me :)