Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A bit about me,(just a bit)

About me.
I am male, 40 years of age, very straight, but always wondered about what it be like to get a bj from a bloke, but that’s as far as I went, I simply love the female type, they can be fun fun fun if treated right.
I started working with computers many years ago, I was actually one of the first to sign up to hotmail back in the day when they were just under 10,000 users, so yes a long time ago. 
I have only really got involved with the NSA seen, in say the last 7 years or so(after I got divorced funny enough) I started with the dating sites and then progressed to NSA sites, in that time I have had around maybe 25 meets, some good and some not so good, hopefully I can cover them all, and add any potential meets in the future.
If anything you can all laugh at me and my sexual exploits.
I will also post reader stories, and anything else that may be of interest fun etc.., please feel free to comment on any blog.
Let the blogging commence……

The First Entry

One of the first questions I had when I first looked at Gumtree(rip), Craigslist etc.. Was - is this for real?, are these all a bunch of fantasists or people just hoping to hook up with people? Well, after a few years of giving it a whirl, trial and error with postings, endless spamage, and some very interesting moments. I thought it would be a good idea to blogg some of my fun and shenanigans as I go, past and present.
There must be some of you out there who want to follow the highs and lows, some of you who probably have more success than me, some maybe less. But as a fellow seeker of the NSA kind I hope you take the journey with me.
The posts will ALWAYS be truthful, and at times I guess it will be reflecting badly on me. My next post will give you some background on me and my interests. Not too much because I am open to exploring most things across the next year, so if you are shock able or if you are easily offended hide your eyes and go and watch some TV.