Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A bit about me,(just a bit)

About me.
I am male, 40 years of age, very straight, but always wondered about what it be like to get a bj from a bloke, but that’s as far as I went, I simply love the female type, they can be fun fun fun if treated right.
I started working with computers many years ago, I was actually one of the first to sign up to hotmail back in the day when they were just under 10,000 users, so yes a long time ago. 
I have only really got involved with the NSA seen, in say the last 7 years or so(after I got divorced funny enough) I started with the dating sites and then progressed to NSA sites, in that time I have had around maybe 25 meets, some good and some not so good, hopefully I can cover them all, and add any potential meets in the future.
If anything you can all laugh at me and my sexual exploits.
I will also post reader stories, and anything else that may be of interest fun etc.., please feel free to comment on any blog.
Let the blogging commence……


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