Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Quite Month

February has been a really quiet month for me, been really busy with work so not had a chance to chase up any meets, not even look at the CL boards…

Hoping to get back into posting about past meets, but just not had the chance to sit and regurgitate meetings from the past.

Who has been keeping an eye on the CL boards; any fresh meet appeared on the scene?

If your still reading the blog, thanks, and keep the emails flowing, and as ever, happy to post any funny stories or unusual stories from you readers.



Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Forum gathering momentum

I have received a couple more emails about the forum, seems to be generating interest.
I do like the sound of the idea myself, and happy to do all the set up for the forum, will get some free space somewhere, and use open source software, so no cost.
I would be looking to recruit some moderators who would be happy to help moderate the site.
If this forum went ahead how I could gather interests in it, no point doing it if we can’t get the ladies involved. Any one got any ideas how to advertise this?
We all know CL attracts very little lady readers, so chances of them reading and then visiting the forum seam very slim.
I actually thought that maybe face book may work as a way of attracting ladies… any thoughts on this?

Not sure if I am going to go ahead yet, blog and forum may be too much, but if anyone want to help. Drop me an email,

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Would a forum work?

Hi Guys,

I have recently had am email from a reader who suggested that maybe setting up a forum would be a good idea.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you be interested, would you use it?

I guess I would make the forum for the whole of the northeast of Scotland

We could have top level subjects like

·         NSA meets
·         Normal Dating
·         Gay dating
·         Swinging
·         Dogging

And no doubt much more J

Anybody got any thoughts on this? Good or bad idea?

I have also added a poll, so for thos of you that are shy, feal free to answer there :)