Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Forum gathering momentum

I have received a couple more emails about the forum, seems to be generating interest.
I do like the sound of the idea myself, and happy to do all the set up for the forum, will get some free space somewhere, and use open source software, so no cost.
I would be looking to recruit some moderators who would be happy to help moderate the site.
If this forum went ahead how I could gather interests in it, no point doing it if we can’t get the ladies involved. Any one got any ideas how to advertise this?
We all know CL attracts very little lady readers, so chances of them reading and then visiting the forum seam very slim.
I actually thought that maybe face book may work as a way of attracting ladies… any thoughts on this?

Not sure if I am going to go ahead yet, blog and forum may be too much, but if anyone want to help. Drop me an email,


  1. Think facebook could work, but question is do yo make it obvious or just suttle. If you on AFF, you could try posting a link there, maybe vivastreet. You'll defenitly need to have mods, otheriwise if it does take off, you risk, shit loads of spamm and junk ads, which in turn will just drive folk away.

  2. with my facebook all my family is on it, so wouldnt want to make it obvious, i suppose you could post a link saying look how funny this is or something, then as you now, facebook has the waterfall effect, they post on there list and so on, and befor you know it there could be hundreds if readers of potential forum members.

    Mods is a must, will see what repsonse i get and who be happy to help.

    thnaks for your comments :)

  3. Use this forum

