Monday, 10 December 2012

Fake Adds

I have not posted for ages, mainly due to the hate mail i received, it put me off a bit...

So the badboy email no longer gets used for picking up woman, i have another that seems to be working but is being kept to myself this time.

So WTF is all these fake ads going about, this is the worst i have seen it.

Then I think there is a guy out there who seems to be getting his kicks by pretending to be a woman, i am sure you all have came across him if you have replied to any emails, so far I think they have been a 45 , 21, 38 and a 29 year old woman.  A couple of them with very hot picks, a dead giveaway, another was a guys name, well lee, i thought it was a guy’s name, they all have one thing in common, they all like it rough in some sort of way...

For some reason they have been trying to get my address, as if, anyway i wonder if they want the address then send other guys to it.....dodgy.

Anyone else had a similar experience?


  1. Yeah I know what you mean about the fake ads. Worst thing is, the fakes are sooo bad, that they claim to be real, and that its sunny in Sacramento! Seriously wtf haha.

    Also agree about the dude pretending to be a woman, have had a few replies from ads from 'Lee' also. Shame, CL used to have a few regulr women who loved fun, seems they have run away due to the fakes :(

  2. I know right? It's a fucking pain. Thanks for posting though, some people actually appreciate it.

    But i really need to find a live ad soon...

  3. Cheers for your replies guys, glad to know i am not the only one up against all this shit.

    who spoke to the woman the other week, said she liked it rough, kept on asking if i had a tow bar, as she wanted to stradddle it and fuck it. hahaha

    I think she mentiuoned someone was gonna fuck her with a 2 litre bottle of coke, she also wanted me to slap her about, i think at one point she said she had 36 guys arriving that week to give her a good hiding the fuck her rotten. REALLY WTF

    I kept on replying to see what they would say next...

    hahahaha, i will maybe do a post all about her, well him i think.

    I reckon she was a he.....

    So who else spooke to this dafy, wanted to meet at the dyce kwik fit.....

  4. Hi just found your blog. Fakes on cl is a night mare. I had an add up and got a reply today but when i try to mail back(gemz) i get the postmaster e mail does not exist. I also had a reply from (amysucks) had a good bit of banter back and forth swapped a few pics was all looking good then bang e mail does not exist.WTF. I have been on cl for a number of years now and out of all my messages or replys I've only ever had 4 meets quite poor results. Keep up the blog see how everyone else gets on. Dave.

  5. I have had a few of them recently too, i guess really they are fake too, they can only go so far with the pretense. I tryed benughty for a while, i got a few meets of that, but it too is now full of fakes, fakes every where, there must be a better soloution so us guys and girls can havew some fun without the fake adds....any ideas? anyone......

  6. I've never quite figured CL out. Yes it's full of fakes, but it's pretty easy to weed out 90% of them just by reading them as the majority of them fail the "too good to be true" test. Obvious Americanisms are a dead giveaway too; "hit me up", "402 friendly", etc. Googling for a distinctive phrase in the advert will often reveal that the same ad has been posted dozens of times for different places.

    Using google's image search is a good way to find out of they've just lifted the picture from the internet, and if you get a reply and are a bit tech' savvy you can dig around in the email header, find the originating IP address and do a "whois" search to see where it really came from.

    The thing I dont get about CL is that even when I find genuine ads and start to email the person it seems difficult to convert into a meet. I have found, in the space of about 2 years, three genuine women on CL. Two were placed ads that I replied to, and one replied to an ad I placed. I only met one of them but I have no doubt whatsoever that the other two were genuine. We would have met if it were not for unfortunate circumstances. I met one of them a couple of times, although I only bought her lunch and we didn't take things any further. I've also met one guy through CL when I was arranging a spit roast for one of my fuck buddies, and I was stood up once by someone who was probably a fake. Bottom line - plenty of prospects, but no pussy from CL.

    That's in contrast with other sites where I do *much* better :-)


  7. Spill the beans then Diamond9, what are these other sites that are so much better?

    I've got 3 girls in 6 years on CL I think, not a good hit rate...

  8. i would think that diamond9 would keep the sites to himself, i would, lol, if he shares every fooker thats reading this will be on it......

  9. CL seems a lot worse for fakes now than it ever has.

    Anyone ever meet the girl with the cherry tattoo? Lost my phone a while back and with it all my contacts, gutted about that one the most.

  10. In nearly 5 years i've had 2 from xtube, 1 from fetlife and 5 from ..... not telling you.... ;-)

    Still see some of them from time to time.


  11. Thanks for sharing; I guess the one you’re not sharing is the one you still use :)

    I too would keep it to myself, lol, Gum tree was my fav site, it was well know, lots of woman to be had on it, then they shut it down, i was devastated, i guess so was half of Aberdeen.....

    If any of you guys want to share where you now go, please feal free :)
