Monday, 17 December 2012

POP up G**** hole in ABZ

So Glory Holes.....
A few years back I visited an establishment abroad.  The establishment gave out free drinks as you waited, I had a beer, i then went into a cubicle and got my dick sucked, yes it was a glory hole.
So if one of these were to be available in Aberdeen, you’ve heard of pop up restaurants, well what about pop up glory holes, hahahaha.
Clearly no normal girl is going to sit I there and happily suck dick for free, i might be wrong, if there are any out there then please do get in touch., anyway so no doubt there would be a price attached to this, running costs, payment to girls, maybe even a bouncer, so what sort of price would you put on a visit to one of these establishments? If there was a pop up one to become available in Aberdeen.
So what would you be getting?
1.       A hole to put your penis through.
2.       A peep hole further up so you can just make out what’s going on.
3.       While you wait, you can watch on a tv what going on in the booth....(seeing the girls booth only)
If you’re a guy, what would you contribute?
If anyone can suggest any places where this can be hosted, if anyone has a place big enough to host.etc...
If you’re a girl and you fancy sitting in the booth?
Please get in touch. if you think this is a worth while idea, give me an idea of the numbers who would likely come along to this....
any other question, please feal free....

Thursday, 13 December 2012

New topics, What to Discuss ???????

Has anyone got any ideas on what to discuss?

Any topic anyone would like to put forward i would be happy to take it on and make a post about it ).

I may revisit an older post i did The He She

Maybe copy my conversation with what i think was a guy from a very recent post....

Please send your ideas, happy to take emails or reply to this post...

If there are any woman reading, well i know there is one, lets here from you, what been happening? :)

don’t be shy.....

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Sweet 19 and seeking fun.

So who from all of you guys has email this one particular add?  she calls herself Kayla, probally some other person pic i would guess.
 Anyway i mailed her a few weeks back and she said she was selling some pics and would also fuck for money, so I am not adverse to paying for sex off CL as I have to say I have had a good few memorial experiences from doing this over the years, some of the best bj and fucks i have ever had actually.
So we start chatting, she quickly hits me with a reasonable price for a bj and a fuck, so I ask how do we proceed, simple she says, i accept PayPal or take Amazon vouchers, and it was all going so well up to that point, does she think i am stupid, so I reply sorry, cash only, i then get a reply saying this is the way she does things. She needs a deposit as a minimum
So for me, i would never hand out cash especially online before a meet, chances are they are just scamming you.
So has anyone actually given her money? Has anyone met her, or is she simply another FAKE?

So i am back

After a long absence

So I am going to give the blog ago again, but this time I am not going to speak about what I get up to, I am going to make it a more general chit chatty place where we can all share what’s been happening with CL and any other sites they you may want to mention.

So active participation will be what I am looking for.  Expose the fakes, chat about what happening on CL. Who’s getting some, who’s not.....and who would like some....

All in good fun...

Hopefully I will get some followers back...

Happy reading....

Monday, 10 December 2012

Fake Adds

I have not posted for ages, mainly due to the hate mail i received, it put me off a bit...

So the badboy email no longer gets used for picking up woman, i have another that seems to be working but is being kept to myself this time.

So WTF is all these fake ads going about, this is the worst i have seen it.

Then I think there is a guy out there who seems to be getting his kicks by pretending to be a woman, i am sure you all have came across him if you have replied to any emails, so far I think they have been a 45 , 21, 38 and a 29 year old woman.  A couple of them with very hot picks, a dead giveaway, another was a guys name, well lee, i thought it was a guy’s name, they all have one thing in common, they all like it rough in some sort of way...

For some reason they have been trying to get my address, as if, anyway i wonder if they want the address then send other guys to it.....dodgy.

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Monday, 2 April 2012

Been away

Sorry no post for ages, have taken a new job and have been working away from home.

Not had a chance to keep up the posts, but will be back soon with more stories....

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Quite Month

February has been a really quiet month for me, been really busy with work so not had a chance to chase up any meets, not even look at the CL boards…

Hoping to get back into posting about past meets, but just not had the chance to sit and regurgitate meetings from the past.

Who has been keeping an eye on the CL boards; any fresh meet appeared on the scene?

If your still reading the blog, thanks, and keep the emails flowing, and as ever, happy to post any funny stories or unusual stories from you readers.



Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Forum gathering momentum

I have received a couple more emails about the forum, seems to be generating interest.
I do like the sound of the idea myself, and happy to do all the set up for the forum, will get some free space somewhere, and use open source software, so no cost.
I would be looking to recruit some moderators who would be happy to help moderate the site.
If this forum went ahead how I could gather interests in it, no point doing it if we can’t get the ladies involved. Any one got any ideas how to advertise this?
We all know CL attracts very little lady readers, so chances of them reading and then visiting the forum seam very slim.
I actually thought that maybe face book may work as a way of attracting ladies… any thoughts on this?

Not sure if I am going to go ahead yet, blog and forum may be too much, but if anyone want to help. Drop me an email,

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Would a forum work?

Hi Guys,

I have recently had am email from a reader who suggested that maybe setting up a forum would be a good idea.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you be interested, would you use it?

I guess I would make the forum for the whole of the northeast of Scotland

We could have top level subjects like

·         NSA meets
·         Normal Dating
·         Gay dating
·         Swinging
·         Dogging

And no doubt much more J

Anybody got any thoughts on this? Good or bad idea?

I have also added a poll, so for thos of you that are shy, feal free to answer there :)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Revenge is Sweet

So any readers had any luck lately?  My year started off good, getting sucked of from a random bird, but has really went very quiet the last couple of weeks
There have been a couple of posting on CL that I have replied to, and I have received emails back, but the trail seams to go dead after a few emails.
So did anyone else get a response from the CL add “Revenge is sweet”
I did, and it was looking promising, then it all went dead, then you suddenly have that sinking feeling and you know it was a time waster.
So the person named Chloe Sims, replied to me, very pretty in her picture, but not overly pretty to make you think it was too good to be true.
So we exchanged numerous emails, her telling me that she wants to meet at weekend, and want me to fill her hole full of cum, and then take some pictures to send to her boyfriend.
Well I am game for that, I threw in maybe suck me off and give her a facial too, just for good measure.
And she seemed well up for it, so game on.
I asked her if she had a camera or would be using phone to take pics, last message I got from her was yes she had a camera.
Then it all went dead, nothing after that…...
So my conclusion is?
·         She either got a better offer.
·         She was fake.
·         Or she chickened out.
So any of you other guys get chatting to her? Did you have similar results? Maybe someone met her?
I would love to know.
Cheers for reading guys.
Keep the comments coming in

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Page Stats over last month

I thought i would share with you my stats over the last month, readership is up, lots of diffrent countries viewing, comments are flowing and i am receiving quite a few emails.  keep it up folks

United Kingdom  - 2,913
United States - 147
Russia -35
Australia - 14
Ireland - 14
Germany - 10
Canada - 9
Portugal - 4
Brazil - 3
Switzerland - 3

Top Tips - Part 1

I guess one of the things that are clear from the moment you read through CL in Aberdeen is that Men post more than woman; well I guess it’s the case all over and not just Aberdeen. Men look for more and, let's be honest about this, are much more willing to get their cock out. 
So unless you’re gay or bisexual, the chances are you haven’t had much luck on CL.  dont expect this to change, lol.......
I was going to give away all my secrets, but fuck it, I can’t do that, and everyone would then know my tricks, so tips it will be....
My top 3 tips to you :
1.       You have more chance of getting lucky be replying to ads other than posting.  In my experience I have posted many ads, and generally you don’t get any replies from genuine users, well I have had a few, but I mostly find that the scammers will mail you.  you have more luck of getting a reply from a woman if she has posted the add.

2.       Attach a genuine picture...of your face! Yes, the casual section is for sex etc but girls are more drawn to faces first and then the sexual organs after.  And make sure its upto date not taken 10 years ago.

3.       Stick within the requirements otherwise you are wasting your time and the females time! If she writes in her ad that she wants a 6ft tall guy or a guy under 60 years of age, she is not going to be happy if she opens a mail from a 5ft 70 year old!  And if she says she want a woman, yes you got it.  dont fucking email her dafty...
Pay attention to number 3 above, meeting the requirements is crucial.
So some of the sites that I use are listed below.
Aberdeen Vivastreet(throws up the odd one now and again)
AdultFriendFinder(free chat room) (if your keen to travel then you will be lucky)
Benaughty(I seem to have a good hit rate hear)
PlentyOfFish (had a few from here over the years, not so many uses now, but still some)
Girlsdatforfree(threw up may a lass over the years)
Some of these sites you will have to pay for, and it may take you months to get your profile noticed, and again, you will get fake adds contacting you.  But I guess it’s all an experience, some people I have spoken to have had no luck on benaughty(again if they have a cock pick, maybe that’s the reason, I have a face pic up, so you profile does matter, make it good, put some thought in it.)
I hope in the weeks to come that I can get a lady who uses CL for pleasure not for business(charging ££) to write a little piece for the blog and list what she is looking for and some  very clear do's and don’ts would be good, or comment here…
So next Part I will cover spotting the fake emails.
Happy reading and keep the comments flowing

Monday, 9 January 2012

back to the grind

Sorry for the lack of posts over the xmas holidays, but I was slightly inebriated most days.

Now I am back to work, and will be posting them stories for all to read, well have to get paid doing something fun, lol

Keep reading, and please do email me any stories you would like added for others to comment on.

My email is