Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A reader’s submission

I got this submission from a female reader, she posted a add a little while back looking for another female in the W4W section. (Remember guys she is looking for a woman)
Her add did clearly state that she was looking for another like minded female who was bi curious.
So from her add she got quite a few response from guys, yes I know you’re in ability to read a add when it says W4W it actually says guys can post too, (DUH read the add DUMBASS W4W)
So this guy below exceeds what I would expect from another guy responding to an add like this, he goes one further. Read his response below
I saw your add looking for a girl to have fun with? ... I'm a 22 year old feminine looking guy; I'm looking for someone to have relaxed fun with, massages, and lots of oral.
I'm kind, thoughtful & recently circumcised. (; Just looking for some fun.
So WTF admitting he is a feminine looking guy to score with this chick, recently circumcised, and that makes a difference how?, you still have a cock, if she wanted cock she would of put an add up saying so….
I am thinking maybe he is reading this blog and can give us an insight into what he thinks is feminine about him… I would really like to know….
In her words “what bit of my advert even suggested I wanted anything to do with a fucking weirdo like that” surly that expreses how she feals about this dickhead.
What levels will us guys go to to get laid, have any other readers done anything like this, i be keen to hear. lol

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Have A NSA Meet tonight

Well I am supposed to be having a meet tonight, if she actually turns up could be quite fun.
I have my doubts on this one, she is pretty new to the adult site I was on, and was only first time chatting to her, even though we chatted for 3hrs
So she wants me to give her a good spanking and then a good seeing from behind , was what she specified I do. Who am I to say no, would you?
She also said once I had done that I could ask her to do anything, hmmmm ANYTHING I said, well no not anything she said, I laughed, lol…..
I did say to her when chatting I bet you chicken out, no she said, so I am hopefully.
Well tonight will tell, been trying to get hold of her since we chatted on site, but no answer, so not always a good sign.
If the meet goes well there will be another story to tell.
And boy, do I need a xmas shag…. If any woman readers out there fancy being kind hearted and giving me a xmas fuck, then please do email me at
Come on its Christmas……

Monday, 19 December 2011

Results of the poll

So they results speak for themselves.  You want to know my secrets….

So what I will do is over the xmas period I will draw up my do’s and don’ts, what to look for, how to spot a fake add and list some of my sites that I have used and hopefully it will helpful to some of the more junior NSA meters.

If you think I should add anything else then please comment….

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


I look back at this meet up and laugh now; I call it the WYND up.  It wasn’t very funny at the time, but yes I can now see the funny side of it.
So what took place?
Well, it’s a Friday night, I am at home, bored, and browsing the internet, up pops and add, horny student look to meet up for some fun tonight.
So I fire off a reply to the add and await a response.
15 minutes later a response is received, response seems pretty normal, doesn’t look like a spammer, asking what I was looking to do to her and when free and would I be able to come round and service her that night.   She had also attached a pic, the girl in the pic wasn’t stunning, but definitely well worth a fuck, so looking good so far, now she want to see pic of me,  So I fire off my picture to her, email received back from her,  she happy to meet, and could I cum see her tonight, by this time is near 11.30pm at night, but I say yes off course, so back comes an email to, to come to student accommodation at old Aberdeen, she gave me directions and where to park and she then gave me a number to text once I arrived at the destination.  And the email ended with a p.s.
Please hurry I am very horny and I am sitting here flicking my bean waiting for you….
I should of twigged there, no woman would of said she sitting flicking her bean, lol
Anyway, So off I go, jump in car, arrive at destination, I send the text and wait.
10mins go buy, no one about, then I see a girl walking over the grass, could this be her, hmmm, nope…she walked into main building, so not her, so I wait a bit longer,  20 odd minutes have now passed buy, still no one, so I text the number again, no response.  I wait another 5 mins then decide to call the number, it rings out, no one answers, so I call again, same again.
So I reckon she changed her mind and chickened out, so I set of home in car.
I get home and send her an email, asking what happened…
Pretty much straight away I got a reply back saying sucker….you waited 35minutes for no one to turn up.
You are now the 4th longest time waiter of the night, followed by half a page of insults speaking about my sexuality….very childish I though,  So basically I had been had over by students having a bit of fun..And I guess they got a few other folk too that night…
So I laugh now, but I wasn’t happy at the time, as you can imagine.
I have had a couple of experiences like this, another one i was directed to a hotel in old cove..but thats another story...
and finally, I did call the mobile number a few weeks later and a guy with an Aberdeen accent answered, I never spoke, just hung up, and then promptly posted his number on quite a few London Gay sites asking to send naughty pictures or call that night for fun…so hopefully he got a wee taste of his own medicine …….

Monday, 12 December 2011

Santa is CUMMING………

So xmas is nearly upon us.   So will there be an influx of sexy little Santa helpers this year.  Will you be posting and looking for fun.  I have been quite lucky over the years, when it comes to xmas I have always managed to find some fun, well except the year below,
The one I am away to tell you about, has to be one of my worst moments of NSA, I did something I am not proud of.  Let you be the judge, would of you done it?
I posted an add on gumtree maybe 4 years ago, week before xmas.  Xmas eve I got a reply, turns out lass from Elgin, recently split up from boyfriend and in need of some fun.   BINGO that will do me.
So after chatting over a couple of nights and swapping pics, we set up a meet, we had agreed she would come to Aberdeen and staying a hotel, I believe she wanted to go shopping too(as woman do),
The plan was
We were to go out, get some food, a few drinks, then back to the hotel to fuck some, then some more…
Pretty simple…
So the night arrives, we agree to meet in triple kirks at 7pm, I turn up 10 mins early, butterflies in my stomach, will she turn up, wont she, this is the feeling I love, this is the chase and I am loving it…
So it goes 10 minutes after 7, still no one, bar is quiet busy, and we had agreed meet up at bar, hmmm, maybe a bad choice.. so then this woman comes up to me, she must be about 50, butt fuck ugly, I mean really bad, has someone photo shopped her face it’s so fucking bad.
She goes on and explains she sent me her mates picks because if I seen hers I might not of turned up, well she was fucking right, no way I would of turned up if I had seen her pictures. WTF.
Never had I been sent picks of some one, and another person turned up, so this was a first for me. 
Buy this point I was feeling a bit uncomfy, wasn’t sure what to say, I could sense she was very uncomfortable too, I drinking my pint, not sure what to do, even with beer goggles on could I shag this one, probably not would be the answer
I did feel sorry for her, so we grabbed a seat, up at the door in the corner, (just as well it was dark).
We started chitty chat about nothing specific and it turned out she wasn’t separated or split up she was still married and he was in a wheel chair, and at home.  So this woman told lies about everything, very devious, if she was hot, I wouldn’t have cared, she be getting banged right now, but this wasn’t the case, she was pig ugly, on a scale of 1-10 she would of struggled to get on the scale, I don’t think I am a great catch myself, but I am definitely not pig ugly… and I normally never judge buy looks as its only sex, you can always close your eyes… but with this one, with what I was expecting and what turned up I wasn’t very happy, and I knew I couldn’t bring myself to fuck her, no matter what.
So at this point I asked her if she wanted a drink, and yes she said, so I then went to the bar, mingled in with the crowd, made my way to the opposite door then fucked off and never looked back, I felt guilty and not very proud of leaving a woman sitting there on her own, but it had to be done.
Needless to say I got a string of hate texts and emails from her, and I said to her if she had been truthful from the start we would of not had a problem, as I would of not fucking met the bitch….
So was I fair in what I did, would of you shagged her?
so anyone else had any similar experiences when the person sends you picks of someone else?

Friday, 9 December 2011

Readership is up

Well  I am pleasantly surprised by the amount off traffic I am getting through the site, thanks to all who have decided to leave a comment and also a big thanks to all who have take the time to drop me an email.  I wasn’t sure the response I would get to the site, but so far all has been positive, I am actually thinking of changing the theme of the site, to not only my stories, but any reader stories, will also poke fun at any CL ads worth taking the Mick.  How does that sound?
So, some of the emails I have received over the last few days have been looking for advice, what sites etc, how to spot the fakes.  I consider this information to be trade secret, and if I give it away it could maybe affect my potential hit rates with the girlies…

So it’s a bit off a dilemma for me, but since it is near xmas, and it is the season of giving (even though I am a grippit Aberdeen loon) I am going to consider passing on some of the things I have learnt over the years. 
So what I am suggesting is a poll first, let’s see how many people actually want to know this information.
If it goes the right way, then I will post.
I will get the poll up asap….

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The HE she

I did note a post the other month when someone posted an add ‘Saying the add below was actually a guy’
Right I know this is a topic that I am sure we will return to again and again, but I don't get why guys pretend to be girls on Craigslist or any other NSA site. I don't think it is a gay or bi curious thing, or surely that would make life easier for all? Your thoughts please?
Over the years I have had many conversations over email with people who forget what they have said as a description from one day to another, they also seem to get confused or change the subject very quickly when mobile phones/ web chat are mentioned. 
Now I can understand we all want some privacy, but if you want to meet someone for some NSA fun then you certainly do have to reveal yourself at some point….  So when I get the excuses I always wonder if she is actually a HE, maybe some student in his room having a wank, but sadly I fear it is a middle aged man locked in a suburban room somewhere, furiously banging one out living his life as she for a moment or two and wishing she was real.
Does anyone else get these feelings, or do you not care and just enjoy the chat?

I will put a baby in you(really WTF)

I had a wee giggle to myself when I saw this add, does he really expect to get a reply from a sane human being.  If he does I am very interested to find out who the replier would be.
I think over the years I have seen many adds with woman posting, asking to get preggers, as a rule I normally stay away from these add as nothing good can come of having unprotected sex.  not that i am against having unprotected sex, i will if the sitution arises and they can provide a clean bill of health.
If anyone has any experience of these adds I would love to hear from you.
And if the guy who wrote the add gets any replies, get in touch and let me know how you got on.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Skint & Experienced

The Add.

There seems to be a lot more adds with girls looking to fuck for cash, I am not adverse to this but if I wanted an escort then I would look in adultwork.

Anybody have any views on this? has anyone met this young lady, I am half thinking about emailing her for her pricelist, I think I saw her add the last time.

Now I have met another student who does advertise for fun, and she genuinely wants some fun, but on the other hand she also wants some small monitory donations, which I am ok with.

I am sure many of you will know the young lady(asked to remove her name) in question as she quite often advertises, I have fucked her and had my cock sucked by her, and will probably go back if she advertises again or contacts me by email

The peterhead lass

This one goes back many moons, probably within my first year of actively looking for NSA partners
I can’t remember if I posted an add on gumtree or she posted an add, but anyway I was speaking to a peterhead  lass on msn after initially emailing her on  gumtree, we were chatting for a few nights running, she seemed genuine enough, pic was ok, and she was keen to meet.
So I had a Thursday afternoon of work for some reason at the time, so I arranged for her to come through then, it was also convenient to her.
Going by her picture(s), and what she told me, she was 22, blonde hair, a little bit plump, she wasn’t stunning, but certainly not an ugly fish…
So she was coming through to Aberdeen, I had arranged that I would pick her up from train station, so I told her what car I had at the time, she had been given a pic of me, so knew what to look for.
So the time arrived and her she appear, a lot plumper than the pic, and certainly a few years older, but she did have blonde hair, not she was a bit tinky dressed, but hey ho, can’t have it all..
So she got into my car, we introduced ourselves, fuck sake I couldn’t understand a word she was saying, now I have lived in Aberdeen all my live so I am quite broad, but her. Never heard the like before from peterhead.
Anyway, back to mine we go, we arrive,. She takes a seat on the couch, I sit beside her, we try and chat, but the language barrier is horrendous, I suggest we go through to the bedroom, she follows behind , I take of my jeans and lay on the bed, she lays down beside me, we start by having a kiss, I start having a feel around, she has on about 20 layers of clothes, its making it very difficult, so I ask her to take of some of the tops….
And that’s when It hit me, the stench, I about gagged on the smell of B O, it was ever so disgusting, man what was I to do, I mean she was rife, never smelled B O this bad in my life.
I said what about a bj, no problem, off she went, she sucking and im gagging on the smell, thinking to myself wtf am I to do, no fucking way am I shagging this fat stinky pig…yuk
So I make up and excuse and say to her oh, that’s my phone (while she still sucking my cock), be back in a minute or so,  I get up and go through the house, what do I do I was thinking, so I then decided to fake a call, just loud enough and pretend it was my work, issue in work, so I had to go straight in.
So I ask her to get dressed, I drop her off in town, not much said funny enough….
go home, strip the bed and put in wash, and go have a shower, I did feel bad for what I did to her(like for a second, I am a bastard, lol), but I couldn’t stand one second longer, it cost nothing to wash, even use deodorant.  I sent her a message saying what I did, and why I did it.
Funny enough I never heard from her again…
A few years back I met another peterhead lass,  she was great the first time, but second time, she had a bit of an odour when I was shagging her, wasn’t there when first started to fuck, but after a few pumps there was a hell of a smell wafting, lol, but that’s another story, lol

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Advertising my Blog on Craiglist

So I thought I would advertise my blog on craigslist’s today as I would be targeting the right individuals there, and hopefully generate some readers….

Within minutes of posting and confirming the add, I get two responses saying there interested!!!! WTF…..

Intersted in what? reading my blog i hope, but probally not so..

Clearly the spammers don’t read the adds, as I wasn’t even looking for a shag, well not yet…..maybe post that add later....

So if we have any readers yet, please leave a comment :), let me know your there....

The poker me add

The Add :

I spotted this add a couple of weeks back, and when I seen the pictures I knew straight away that she was fake, but my curiously go the better of me and I responded.
So I sent off a response saying ‘Hey, I love to play poker, casual sex and threesomes, my three fav pastimes….
Now I was expecting an auto response back but nothing, then an hour or so later I got a response from a girl called Louise Scarlett saying add me on facebook…
So it just so happens I have a spare facebook account just for times like this so I added her, hear are bits from our conversation(below)
Anyway she wanted me to sign up to a poker site using her link, complete fake, when I wouldn’t do it, she blocked me, hahahaha
I wonder if there are people actually fall for this, any guys out there???

hi, i replied to your craiglist add, you asked me to add you, are you in Aberdeen then?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Yeah are you?
21 November
yes i am, so did you meet anyone then? or you still looking?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Nope just got stood up :(
21 November
you got stood up today? lol, so you not looking to meet again then?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Not with that guy I'm not
21 November
obviously, so what about an older guy then? me, lol
21 November
Louise Scarlett
How much older?
21 November
i am 40

21 November
Louise Scarlett
21 November
So im free tommorow or wednesday pm, wanna come round mine for a game of poker then?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Can you not come here, I don't like to travel :/
21 November
where is here?
and i would of picked you up, lol
21 November
Louise ScarlettI live near the centre
And it's not so much travelling I don't like
21 November
yes i can come to you, so where about in the centre are you?

21 NovemberLouise Scarlett
Yeah I'm real
21 NovemberAberdeenShagger
cool, so you interested then?
you still there, youve went all quiet? you busy doing something?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Sorry I was playing poker.
It is intense
21 NovemberAberdeenShagger
yes, poker is intense, lol, i love it though :)
what site you play on?
21 November
Louise Scarlettjackpot king :P
I love their video poker :P
21 November
So you want to hook up then? are you interested?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Maybe :P
21 NovemberAberdeenShagger
lol, just a maybe , awwwwwww, why maybe how can i help you decide with a yes? lol
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Tell me more about yourself?
21 NovemberAberdeenShagger
so i say some stuff here, deleted by me, lol
21 November
Louise ScarlettOoo
nice :P.
I do like an older man I feel more naughty.
You play poker online? :P
21 NovemberAberdeenShagger
Yes, I play online, mostly weekends as its tournaments I enter, so you slightly interested then?
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Yeah very interested. You got a webcam? :P
21 November
no web cam, at work just now, sorry :(
21 November
Louise ScarlettYou got one at home?
21 November
on my old laptop, but not used for ages, is it pics you want to see?
i can send you one or two
21 November
Louise ScarlettOooo
thank you :P
21 November
so youre for hooking up tommorow night then? game of poker, then see what happens after :)
21 November
Louise Scarlett
Hmm I think I'm busy tomorrow :(

so you get the waste of time...

So how did I get into the world of NSA?

It all started when I separated from my ex wife, I was doing the usual, going into town, and occasionally meeting a woman who I would take home and have some fun with.  My success rates wasn’t that good, as meeting woman was hard, is hard, so I turned to the world of internet dating.
There wasn’t much options for decent sites at the time, I ended up signing up to quite a few, one I seemed to have more luck with was GirlsDateforfree, (guys pay to chat, so lots of ladies).  Pretty much straight away when I signed up to this site I was messaging and chatting to lots of ladys, a few weeks of being a member I got a message from a lass up in Banff, simply asking ‘Do you fancy a spot of fun’, so I was intrigued at the time, what did she mean by fun!!, so I replied with ‘would love some fun, fun being what I am all about’..
A week went buy with no response back from her, then one Saturday evening after coming home from pub, I logged into GDF and pretty much got a chat request from the Banff lady, so I accepted the request,  Pretty much straight away she was upfront and said, look I am married, and looking for some discrete adult company, soe No strings attached sex.....  So we chatted for a bit, obviously I was keen to help her out(as most males on the planet would be), so we swapped mobile numbers and said we would we be in touch about arranging a meeting.
Next day I am at my mum’s having my Sunday lunch, I get a txt from her saying I am free at 7pm tonight if you want to meet, so yes, I want to meet, so she tells me where to go, some school in Banff, I had to meet her in the car park, she told me what type of car she will be in, so off I head on the 60 mile journey to Banff, nice dirty thoughts all the way, wondering what would happen, where would we go…
So I arrive in Banff, head to the meeting point and wait, I was there 5 mins early, so the time arrives and no one is there, 5 mins go past still no one, hmm, was it all a wind up….then I see a white car coming into the car park, this is her, then I notice there are two people in the car, what the fuck!!!! So car pulls up, I am a bit worried, I look at the car, there are two woman!!!, one jumps out the passenger side comes to my passenger side and jumps in, she said hi, I am supposed to be with my mate, she will wait here for me coming back(excuse for her hubby).
So I say ok, she tells me where to drive to, as were driving I am thinking well she not quite like the pic, a bit older and bigger, but what the heck I was going to get a fuck, so was I caring, no….
So we stop in this secluded point, by this point she had told me her whole life story, her husband hadn’t paid her attention for year’s yara yara yara….
So know the awkward silence had started, I wasn’t sure what to do, should I lean over and hive her a kiss, what to do?? So I asked her, do you want to go into the back seat of the car, yes, she said, so we jumped into the back, pretty much straight away she thrust her hand out and grabbed my cock, it was rock solid, she then undid my button, I said would it be easier if I took them off, she nodded, I slid off my jeans and boxers and before I knew it she had her mouth around my cock, licking and sucking, I was so excited, that I only lasted about a minute, and she swallowed al the cum down.mmmmmm

She asked if I enjoyed, yes I said eagerly……your turn she said……
So start running my hand up her long skirt and touch the inner of her thigh, I go a bit higher and discover she is wearing no knockers, hmmm, easy access I am thinking, so I start playing with her clit, and get her to lay back, I then go down on her, by now I am out of car and she is lay on back seat, I am licking away at her clit and at same time using to fingers to go in and out, she seems to be enjoying, lots of moans and groans going on, mmmmm, so we are at this for about 15 mins, she then says she want me inside her, by now she is now out of the car and bent over, I go behind her and ease my cock in, she lets out a little moan, I then start a steady pace, I can feel her hand in-between her thighs tickling my balls as I thrust my cock deep inside her, this goes on for 5-10 mins then she let rip with a very load moan of pleasure, jackpot, ive scored, job done…… so I ease my cock out of her, she the turns around, sits in back seat of car and takes me in her mouth again, within minutes I am then Cuming again….wow, two cums, I am ecstatic… both of us were now content so time to drop her off..
On the way back to Aberdeen I had a huge smile, I simply loved it, the thrill of will she turn up, the thrill of is she who she says she is, and then the bj and sex out in the middle of know where, well it all worked for me…  so needless to say I met her a few more times after that, the sessions only got better…, but that’s another story, lol
So that was my first meet.