Monday, 12 December 2011

Santa is CUMMING………

So xmas is nearly upon us.   So will there be an influx of sexy little Santa helpers this year.  Will you be posting and looking for fun.  I have been quite lucky over the years, when it comes to xmas I have always managed to find some fun, well except the year below,
The one I am away to tell you about, has to be one of my worst moments of NSA, I did something I am not proud of.  Let you be the judge, would of you done it?
I posted an add on gumtree maybe 4 years ago, week before xmas.  Xmas eve I got a reply, turns out lass from Elgin, recently split up from boyfriend and in need of some fun.   BINGO that will do me.
So after chatting over a couple of nights and swapping pics, we set up a meet, we had agreed she would come to Aberdeen and staying a hotel, I believe she wanted to go shopping too(as woman do),
The plan was
We were to go out, get some food, a few drinks, then back to the hotel to fuck some, then some more…
Pretty simple…
So the night arrives, we agree to meet in triple kirks at 7pm, I turn up 10 mins early, butterflies in my stomach, will she turn up, wont she, this is the feeling I love, this is the chase and I am loving it…
So it goes 10 minutes after 7, still no one, bar is quiet busy, and we had agreed meet up at bar, hmmm, maybe a bad choice.. so then this woman comes up to me, she must be about 50, butt fuck ugly, I mean really bad, has someone photo shopped her face it’s so fucking bad.
She goes on and explains she sent me her mates picks because if I seen hers I might not of turned up, well she was fucking right, no way I would of turned up if I had seen her pictures. WTF.
Never had I been sent picks of some one, and another person turned up, so this was a first for me. 
Buy this point I was feeling a bit uncomfy, wasn’t sure what to say, I could sense she was very uncomfortable too, I drinking my pint, not sure what to do, even with beer goggles on could I shag this one, probably not would be the answer
I did feel sorry for her, so we grabbed a seat, up at the door in the corner, (just as well it was dark).
We started chitty chat about nothing specific and it turned out she wasn’t separated or split up she was still married and he was in a wheel chair, and at home.  So this woman told lies about everything, very devious, if she was hot, I wouldn’t have cared, she be getting banged right now, but this wasn’t the case, she was pig ugly, on a scale of 1-10 she would of struggled to get on the scale, I don’t think I am a great catch myself, but I am definitely not pig ugly… and I normally never judge buy looks as its only sex, you can always close your eyes… but with this one, with what I was expecting and what turned up I wasn’t very happy, and I knew I couldn’t bring myself to fuck her, no matter what.
So at this point I asked her if she wanted a drink, and yes she said, so I then went to the bar, mingled in with the crowd, made my way to the opposite door then fucked off and never looked back, I felt guilty and not very proud of leaving a woman sitting there on her own, but it had to be done.
Needless to say I got a string of hate texts and emails from her, and I said to her if she had been truthful from the start we would of not had a problem, as I would of not fucking met the bitch….
So was I fair in what I did, would of you shagged her?
so anyone else had any similar experiences when the person sends you picks of someone else?


  1. I think you were quite right doing what you did!

  2. @Marion

    Cheers for that, i did feal bad at the time. but i soon got over the fealing, lol

  3. Aye the exact same thing happened to me, but no pic was sent, just had to sit there and yap to this bird, I mean she said she was bit big, but this bird was huge.

  4. @realwildone

    Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear i am not the ony one having problems out there lol....

  5. Aye, I have been there too, but I usually drunk get drunk and just go for it hammer and tongs!

  6. @ Fozz

    Well Fozz it would appear you may be a braver man than me, lol..

    i have to draw the line somewhere....

  7. well played mate. if she had been honest about it in the first place at least u could have plucked ur eyes out first if u still wanted to meet her

  8. @David

    Cheers for your support and comments folks, keep them coming :)

  9. I was suckered by big ass chick that sent old pics of herself before the extra 70 pounds. Had to leave her with it.

  10. That's what I'd have done too!
