Tuesday, 13 December 2011


I look back at this meet up and laugh now; I call it the WYND up.  It wasn’t very funny at the time, but yes I can now see the funny side of it.
So what took place?
Well, it’s a Friday night, I am at home, bored, and browsing the internet, up pops and add, horny student look to meet up for some fun tonight.
So I fire off a reply to the add and await a response.
15 minutes later a response is received, response seems pretty normal, doesn’t look like a spammer, asking what I was looking to do to her and when free and would I be able to come round and service her that night.   She had also attached a pic, the girl in the pic wasn’t stunning, but definitely well worth a fuck, so looking good so far, now she want to see pic of me,  So I fire off my picture to her, email received back from her,  she happy to meet, and could I cum see her tonight, by this time is near 11.30pm at night, but I say yes off course, so back comes an email to, to come to student accommodation at old Aberdeen, she gave me directions and where to park and she then gave me a number to text once I arrived at the destination.  And the email ended with a p.s.
Please hurry I am very horny and I am sitting here flicking my bean waiting for you….
I should of twigged there, no woman would of said she sitting flicking her bean, lol
Anyway, So off I go, jump in car, arrive at destination, I send the text and wait.
10mins go buy, no one about, then I see a girl walking over the grass, could this be her, hmmm, nope…she walked into main building, so not her, so I wait a bit longer,  20 odd minutes have now passed buy, still no one, so I text the number again, no response.  I wait another 5 mins then decide to call the number, it rings out, no one answers, so I call again, same again.
So I reckon she changed her mind and chickened out, so I set of home in car.
I get home and send her an email, asking what happened…
Pretty much straight away I got a reply back saying sucker….you waited 35minutes for no one to turn up.
You are now the 4th longest time waiter of the night, followed by half a page of insults speaking about my sexuality….very childish I though,  So basically I had been had over by students having a bit of fun..And I guess they got a few other folk too that night…
So I laugh now, but I wasn’t happy at the time, as you can imagine.
I have had a couple of experiences like this, another one i was directed to a hotel in old cove..but thats another story...
and finally, I did call the mobile number a few weeks later and a guy with an Aberdeen accent answered, I never spoke, just hung up, and then promptly posted his number on quite a few London Gay sites asking to send naughty pictures or call that night for fun…so hopefully he got a wee taste of his own medicine …….


  1. Revenge is sweet lol!!


  2. Marion, revenge is indeed sweet, and best served cold :D
