Friday, 9 December 2011

Readership is up

Well  I am pleasantly surprised by the amount off traffic I am getting through the site, thanks to all who have decided to leave a comment and also a big thanks to all who have take the time to drop me an email.  I wasn’t sure the response I would get to the site, but so far all has been positive, I am actually thinking of changing the theme of the site, to not only my stories, but any reader stories, will also poke fun at any CL ads worth taking the Mick.  How does that sound?
So, some of the emails I have received over the last few days have been looking for advice, what sites etc, how to spot the fakes.  I consider this information to be trade secret, and if I give it away it could maybe affect my potential hit rates with the girlies…

So it’s a bit off a dilemma for me, but since it is near xmas, and it is the season of giving (even though I am a grippit Aberdeen loon) I am going to consider passing on some of the things I have learnt over the years. 
So what I am suggesting is a poll first, let’s see how many people actually want to know this information.
If it goes the right way, then I will post.
I will get the poll up asap….


  1. Just found your blog today, great idea min! what do you think of the dogging scene in Aberdeen? what other NSA options are open to us loons, and the quinnes of course!

  2. @Anonymous

    I have participated in the dogging scene over the years, not done it too many times, but i have been one of the faces.

    Last thing they want to do is make the locations public as shed loads of single guys turn up, i have seen it happen before, so its all really hush hush.

    There really aren’t that many options other than joining the adult sites.

    I once tried to arrange a sex party, but got way more guys then girls so wouldn’t have worked out, if I remember right the ratio was 50:1, I think I got 3 girls interested…..

    When I was visiting a foreign country when working away I once visited a glory hold establishment, now although very seedy was definitely an experience, and is something I would love to go to here. But the chances of that are very slim…….

    anyway, cheers for your comments.
