Monday, 5 December 2011

Skint & Experienced

The Add.

There seems to be a lot more adds with girls looking to fuck for cash, I am not adverse to this but if I wanted an escort then I would look in adultwork.

Anybody have any views on this? has anyone met this young lady, I am half thinking about emailing her for her pricelist, I think I saw her add the last time.

Now I have met another student who does advertise for fun, and she genuinely wants some fun, but on the other hand she also wants some small monitory donations, which I am ok with.

I am sure many of you will know the young lady(asked to remove her name) in question as she quite often advertises, I have fucked her and had my cock sucked by her, and will probably go back if she advertises again or contacts me by email


  1. Thats my ad and i know its not the most classiest of things to be doing but i dont get paid enough in my job and am in serious debt so this is my only other option to make some cash doing something im good at?

  2. ^lol

    as a foreigner who only been living here for about 3 months, i found that aberdeen craiglist is pretty rotten (full of fake ads or asking for money),i mean this is such a small town and in the middle of nowhere(lol) but yet the girls are so stuck up in real life and they are giving up the great fun by using internet too?? the girls here are not particularly good looking (many many fat girls!)so i am always baffled lol.

    anyway, fun to see a blogger like ya and keep it up! :D

  3. @Anonymous

    Thanks for your comment Amber, maybe you should consider advertising on adultwork, you may have more luck targetting the right type of people :)

  4. @ Kira

    Craiglist isnt the best in aberdeen, i agree, i think the problem is that not too many woman know about craiglist. take gumtree, it was very popular, and a lot of woman used it. I have tried paid sites like adult friendfinder, benaughty and to be honest i have more luck on craiglist, and aberdeen craiglist is bad...but still throws up the odd one now and again...what other sites is there to visit? vivastreet seams to be all spammers with the very occasional real person, you need to know what to look for there, and i am not telling, lol

  5. I know how you feel as I'm doing the same thing as money is tight. Especially at this time of year!
    I was advertising my massage service on Gumtree but they removed it as ' they are a family friendly site'.
    Most other sites make you pay so CL seems to be the only option.

  6. @Anonymous

    post your link here, i am sure it will be touched on, or send me some info i will do a post about it :)

  7. @AberdeenShagger

    I tried to post the link but it's not showing up :(



    Hope it works this time!


  9. @Marion

    Hi Marion, hopefully you will get some traffic from your link. cheers for the comments :)

  10. hey marion much you charge - do u do a full personal service ;) how about OWO ?

  11. @Anonymous

    I spoke with Marion yesterday briefly and what i got from her was :

    Full massage with Hand relief = £40
    Full massage with BJ(uncoverd) = £50

    And she did mention that she gives award winning bj's,

    That alone tempted me...

    follow the link and you will get her email addy there :)

  12. It would have to be award winning for £50!

  13. I agree that CL isn't as good as Gumtree, but what real choice do we have? I too have had dissapointments of going through lots of chat and planning to be stood up, but realisticly it's all part of the game.

    There are some names mentioned in this blog that I have met up with and my comment would be that times are hard and some ladies do need help with fees / living costs, but that doesn't stop tyhem being genuinely very sexy and more adventurous than most other partners.

    Some of my best experiences have been with "paid" ladies on CL and probably not my last either.

  14. Has anyone actually met a "civilian" woman on CL? Or have they all been looking for some sort of payment? My experience is that most never turn up, or want payment.

    Does the mythical beast of a single/married/partner woman looking for nsa on the side over an extended time period just a fantacy from the 1960s?

    If there are any genuine "civilians" out there then contact me on


  15. @Anonymous

    I have over the years met quite a few "civillian" woman, as you put it, lol

    Granted there are not many going about, but you will find them occasionally :), just keep looking..

  16. @Anonymous

    Forgot to ask, has anyone actually met skint and experienced yet? on anther post some guy mentioned he had no luck with her.

    so has anyone actually met her? was she as experienced as she says? please do tell :)

    And would you go back and see her again ??

  17. Hi shagger, I've been with MeliW and 'skint & experienced' - both from Craigslist ads and both nice girls. S&E gave me one of the best BJs I reckon I've ever had.

    Remember these are just normal girls trying to make ends meet - if they don't like the look or tone of your emails they ain't going to meet up.

  18. i think you need to remember these girls arent living alone. they are normal girls. i think itd be fun to read blogs about us the guys who use them.

  19. @Anonymous! I remember you! & I'm glad that my BJ's lived up to standard. Girls like myself are only doing this to help pay the bills!!

  20. Yeah i've met a girl aberdeen CL and we just went out for drinks and back home... no payments... but i called her a cab couldnt let her walk home
